The adaptation of industrial relations towards new forms of work
The aim of the project is to map the use of new forms of employment in the Czech Republic and to compare the results with those from other participating countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland and Macedonia). The project is based on new forms of employment as defined by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, i.e. employee sharing, job sharing, interim management, casual work, ICT-based mobile work, etc. Since virtually no statistics exist with respect to the monitoring of new forms of employment and the extent of their use, the project also includes its own field survey including the conducting of a focus group session with the participation of employees working in new forms of employment and 15 managed interviews with employers, recruitment agencies and experts involved with new forms of employment. The output consists of an analysis of the use of new forms of employment in the Czech Republic which will be followed by a comparative study of the results obtained in other participating countries. The project also included the compilation of a manual for employers and employees which will enable both sides to better understand the issue.
Video summarizing the results of the project (only in CZE)
KROUPA, Aleš, Renata KYZKINKOVÁ & Soňa VEVERKOVÁ, 2019. New forms of employment: a guide for employees. Praha: RILSA. (only in CZE)
Articles published on the basis of the conference (17 July 2019):
CECHL, Pavel, 2019. Vznikly nové pracovní úvazky. Může to vést k problémům. Dení, 18. 7. 2019.
CERQUEIROVÁ, Andrea, 2019. Nové formy zaměstnávání se hojně využívají. Náš region, 25. 7. 2019.
CERQUEIROVÁ, Andrea, 2019. Nové formy zaměstnávání mají svá úskalí. Odbory nepodceňují přípravu na změny. Sondyrevue, 08/2019, s. 23.
KUCHYŇOVÁ, Zdeňka, 2019. Nové formy práce zavádějí spíše menší firmy. Radio Praha, 15. 3. 2019.
PRÁVO, 2019. Nové formy zaměstnávání mění trh práce. Právo, 14. 8. 2019, s. 15.
Interview se Soňou Veverkovou. Český rozhlas Plus – pořad Den v 60 minutach. 17. 7. 2019.
Data archive
(primary data)
Questionnaire: Industrial relations
Data (in SPSS format) are available on request: Head of the Labour Market Department