Comprehensive research of the situation of families and seniors
The aim of the project is to gather comprehensive information on families and seniors, thus providing quality and up-to-date data for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) which is comparable in terms of time and the international context. The research focuses, on an annual basis, on specific types of families via specific so-called “probes”. The families are selected on the basis of an agreement with the contracting authority (MoLSA). The main subjects of interest consist of e.g. the socio-economic situation of families (including housing and the use of the tax and benefit systems, the economic activity rates of family members and the risk of poverty), the reconciliation of family and working life, intergenerational solidarity, the use of social and other services, socialisation in the family, care for dependent persons in the family, the perception of social measures aimed at supporting families, especially those with young children and seniors, etc. In addition, the conducting of the sample surveys of selected families will include the pilot verification of the sampling methodology which will enable the repetition of the survey and the comparison of different types of families while fully recognising their specific characteristics. The results of the project are used for the purposes of the periodic Family Report and for the updating of the MoLSA Family Policy Concept and specific pro-family measures. The results are also available to other state and local government bodies and family support organisations. In 2018, the “probes” targeted families with three or more children and reconstituted families. In 2019, attention shifted to single parents. In 2020, the topic was childlessness and the life of homoparental families. In 2021, research focuses on complete families.
NEŠPOROVÁ, Olga, 2022. Homoparentální rodiny v České republice. Policy Briefs VÚPSV, v. v. i., 3.
Workshop Families with children 2018–2022. 14 December 2022
NEŠPOROVÁ, Olga, 2021. Homoparentální rodiny. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i.
Workshop Complete families. 13 December 2021
Workshop Childless and attitudes to parenthood. Same sex parented families. 8 June 2021
KUCHAŘOVÁ, Věra, 2020. Reflexe rodinné politiky – očekávání a postoje. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i.
Data archive
(primary data)
Childless and attitudes to parenthood 2020:
Quantitative Research – Technical Report (July–August 2020)
Data (in SPSS format) are available on request: Head of the Family Policy Department
Incomplete families 2019:
Questionnaire (Families 2019 – Single parents)
Quantitative Research – Technical Report (June–August 2019)
Data (in SPSS format) are available on request: Head of the Family Policy Department
Reconstituted families 2018:
Questionnaire (Families 2018 typ 2 – Step parent)
Quantitative Research – Technical Report (October–December 2018)
Data (in SPSS format) are available on request: Head of the Family Policy Department
Families with several children 2018:
Questionnaire (Families 2018 typ 1 – Multi-child)
Quantitative Research – Technical Report (October–December 2018)
Data (in SPSS format) are available on request: Head of the Family Policy Department