Impacts of the rate of parental conflict on children and the role played by post-divorce care arrangements

RILSA Principal investigator:
Mgr. Jana Barvíková, Ph.D.
RILSA Co-investigator:
Mgr. Jana Paloncyová, Ph.D., Ing. Sylva Höhne, Mgr. et Mgr. Lucie Žáčková, Kristýna Janurová, MA, PhDr. Štěpánka Lehmann, Ph.D., Mgr. Naděžda Křečková Tůmová, Ph.D., Ing. Tereza Frömmelová
Grant provider:
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA)
Project start:
Project end:

The aim of the project is to map the impacts of the rate of parental conflict on children and the role played by post-divorce care arrangements in relation to whether or not the parents agreed to such arrangements or whether they were imposed by the court. The project will focus on the development of relationships and conflicts between parents before and following divorce, on how to set up childcare following divorce and on the daily lives and experiences of parents and children concerning the monitored forms of care (alternate and exclusive care). Thus the project will reflect the needs of children and the fulfilment thereof in various developmental stages. The intention is to provide a description of the issue from the perspective of all the various actors, i.e. parents and children, judges, court experts, staff of the social and legal protection of children agency (OSPOD), lawyers, psychologists, kindergarten and basic school teachers and so on. Moreover, representatives of these various institutions will sit on the expert panel of the project, the aim of which will be to guide the course of the project with respect to the professional and ethical aspects, to solve any ethical and methodological dilemmas and problems and to provide comments on the project outputs. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods will be employed during the four-year project in order to achieve the above objectives. The research results will provide support for the professional competencies of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs personnel (OSPOD staff, social workers, social service workers) and the Ministry of Justice (judges, lawyers). It will also serve as the basis for proposals for measures aimed at reinforcing the creation of a sustainable family policy system and as background material for the Family Report.



HÖHNE, Sylva, Jana BARVÍKOVÁ, Naděžda KŘEČKOVÁ TŮMOVÁ, Jana PALONCYOVÁ & Tereza FRÖMMELOVÁ, 2024. Children in parental conflict situations II. Parenting before and after separation. Praha: RILSA. (only in CZE)

Leaflet for parents: What do children need from parents who have separated? (only in CZE)

Leaflet for schools: How the school can help children after their parents’ separation. (only in CZE)

Leaflet for professional services: Use of professional assistance by families with children in connection with separation or divorce. (only CZE)


Final conference “Impacts of the rate of parental conflict on children and the role played by post-divorce care arrangements”. 27 May 2024

BLOCK I. Parenting after separation

Caring for children after parental separation – according to the “Child in Parental Conflict 2021” research. Sylva Höhne, Jana Paloncyová (RILSA)

Adjustment of child care and maintenance after parental separation/divorce. Jana Paloncyová, Sylva Höhne (RILSA)

BLOCK II. Ways to mitigate the impacts of separation on children and adults

Services for separating parents and their utilization. Naděžda Křečková Tůmová, Jana Barvíková (RILSA)

Looking back at the separation. Naděžda Křečková Tůmová, Jana Barvíková (RILSA)

A child’s view of separation, various aspects of post-separation care and parental conflict. Jana Barvíková (RILSA)

BLOCK III. Suggestions and recommendations for practice

Introduction – recommendations for family policy from research. Jana Barvíková (RILSA)

Upcoming legislative changes in divorce and child care. Pavla Belloňová, Lucie Slavíková (Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic)

Part I of the video recording of the final conference.

Part II of the video recording of the final conference.


Poster What do children need from helping professionals after parental separation/divorce? 21st Conference of the European Divorce Network, 12–13 October 2023 

Poster Interparental conflict trajectory: Does the type of custody matter? 21st Conference of the European Divorce Network, 12–13 October 2023 

Prezentation What do children need from helping professionals after their parents’ separation/divorce? Conference Changes in the family XII. – Current forms of working with families in crisis, 5 October 2023

Prezentation Joint physical custody in the Czech Republic, International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Joint Physical Custody, 9–10 March 2023


Presentation Care for children after parents separation. 3 March 2022 (only in CZE)

Video Care for children after parents separation. 3 March 2022 (only in CZE)


Workshop How do children live after their parents’ separation? 16 December  2021 (only in CZE)