The identification of barriers to the access of persons of pre-productive and productive age to career guidance from the lifelong perspective

RILSA Principal investigator:
Mgr. Pavlína Šťastnová
RILSA Co-investigator:
Ing. Jiří Frondl, MBA , Ivana Eliášková
Grant provider:
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA)
Project start:
Project end:

The project focuses on the compilation of a comprehensive study, the findings of which will enable the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to initiate the establishment of a so-called Integrated Career Counselling System in the Czech Republic as a system that is effective in terms of ensuring the availability of advisory services to all those who require them throughout their lifetimes. The project is divided into three stages. The first phase of the project focused on mapping barriers to the availability of career guidance and was concluded in 2018. The second stage involves the analysis of projects conducted previously in the field of career guidance and the usability, sustainability and innovative nature of the outputs thereof from the perspective of establishing an integrated career guidance system in the Czech Republic. The second stage also includes the conducting of a public opinion survey on the availability and usability of career guidance services. The final third stage will focus on the preparation of the background for the development of a proposal for an integrated career guidance system from the lifelong perspective.

ŠŤASTNOVÁ, Pavlína – ELIÁŠKOVÁ, Ivana, 2020. Identification of Barriers in the Provision of Career Guidance Services – Barriers on the Side of Service Providers. Praha: RILSA.

Data archive

(primary data)

Form for file annotation

Questionnaire: Career counseling

Technical Report: Career counseling

Data (in SPSS format) are available on request: Head of the Labour Market Department