Experience of employing foreigners in member companies of the Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Unions of the Czech Republic with respect to social dialogue

RILSA Principal investigator:
Mgr. Danica Schebelle
RILSA Co-investigator:
Mgr. Jan Kubát, Mgr. Pavel Bareš, Ph.D.
Grant provider:
Confederation of Employers' and Entrepreneurs' Unions of the Czech Republic
Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA)
Project start:
Project end:

The objective of the Qualified Employee Programme is to provide support to direct employers who need to import qualified workers to the Czech Republic from Ukraine, Mongolia, Serbia, the Philippines, India, Belarus, Moldova, Montenegro and Kazakhstan. In terms of their development and settings, Czech Government economic migration programmes reflect, to varying degrees, the needs of the Czech Republic and the state administration system, as well as Czech employers and foreign workers themselves. The Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Unions of the Czech Republic (KZPS CR) makes up one of the employer representatives which, together with state administration and other social partner representatives, form a working team under the Council for Economic and Social Agreement on the Employment of Foreign Workers. Thus, the project focuses on mapping the experiences of members of the Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Unions of the Czech Republic with the employment of Ukrainian nationals under the Qualified Employee Programme and the previous Ukraine programme over the last two years, including experiences related to the covid-19 pandemic. The findings will enable the description of the experiences of employers with the implementation of managed economic migration. Such employer feedback, provided in an objective manner, is of considerable importance in terms of the overall assessment of government economic migration programmes.


SCHEBELLE, Danica, Jan KUBÁT & Pavel BAREŠ, 2020. Qualified Employee Programme (formerly Ukraine Programme) in the Reflection of Members of the Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Unions of the Czech Republic. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i.