Use and functioning of the institute of custody care in practice

RILSA Principal investigator:
PhDr. Ing. Mgr. Leona Hozová, Ph.D., MBA
RILSA Co-investigator:
Mgr. Renata Kyzlinková, Ph.D.
Grant provider:
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA)
Project start:
Project end:

In the Czech Republic, there are two almost identical institutes of substitute family care performed by relatives or person close to children – so-called foster care and custody care (entrustment the child to the custody of a person other than the parent according to § 953 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended). Both institutes have a number of identical features, but they differ in financial support and professional guaranteed support. The double-tracking in the substitute family care (custody care vs. foster care), the inconsistency of decision-making practice and approaches of the authorities providing social and legal protection to children and the courts, and the need to unify this system, have been pointed out for a long time. In the case of foster care, a number of analysis and data are available, but the area of the custody care, the needs of children and these substitute families have not yet been described in detail. The aim of this project is a detailed analysis of the custody care institute, including a comparison with related foster care. The main output will be a comprehensive research report. It will serve as a basis for the decision making of the Ministry of Labour and Social in the field of substitute family care. A certified methodology as the second principal project output will support the authorities providing social and legal protection to children for their work with foster families.


HOZOVÁ, Leona & Renata KYZLINKOVÁ, 2023. Use and functioning of the institute of custody care in practice. Praha: RILSA. (only in CZE)

HOZOVÁ, Leona & Renata KYZLINKOVÁ, 2023. Subjectivity in the decision-making process of workers from social and legal protection of children units when entrusting children to the kinship care: Its relation to the legislative framework and other variables. In. Proceedings of the international scientific conference ECONOMIC POLICY. Ostrava: VŠ PRIGO, 104–116. (only in CZE)

Workshop Substitute family care by relatives and close ones with an emphasis on the use of the institution of “entrusting”. 21 February 2023 (only in CZE)

HOZOVÁ, Leona & Renata KYZLINKOVÁ, 2022. Ambiguity and inconsistency in the practice of social workers in the field of kinship care and its consequences. In. Reproduction of human capital, mutual relations and connections (Proceedings of the international scientific conference RELIK). Praha: VŠE, 236–247. (only in CZE)

HOZOVÁ, Leona & Renata KYZLINKOVÁ, 2021. Use and functioning of the institute of custody care in practice. In. Political, economic, social and technological challenges for social work. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 281–287. (only in CZE)