The integration of persons released from prison
The project focused primarily on topics related to the employment and labour integration of imprisoned persons and persons released after the prison sentence. Its intention was to map the current situation, conditions and possibilities of employment in the prison. The attention was also paid to the provision of requalification programs to imprisoned persons as well as to other activities which should support their possible future employment. Another important question in this regard was the interrelationship between employment and other activities or programs provided in the prison or after prison sentence and the question how all these activities influence or may affect the integration possibilities of persons released from the prison into society.
The research thus focused not only on the employment and support of imprisoned persons but also on important issues related to the situation after imprisonment (which include issues such as programs which prepare prisoners on their release from the prison or personal situation before and after the release from the prison). The research also looked at other very important issues in this context such as the cooperation between workers of different penitentiary and post-penitentiary care organizations or the existence and functioning of mechanisms to support persons after the prison sentence.
The research followed this approach and concerned the range of aspects specified above because of crucial assumption that the integration of prisoners and person released from prison cannot be narrowed only to the question of employment of these persons, respectively that the topic of labour integration of these persons is associated with such important issues as precarious employment, the intersectional influences of different factors and it may be substantially influenced also by other specific factors which were descirbed in the literature or have been documented by previous research.