The EIRO, EWCO and ERM are part of the Europe-wide network of observatories established by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Their purpose is to collect, analyse and disseminate information on industrial relations, working conditions and changes on the labour market. Outputs are primarily intended for organisations of social partners at the European as well as national levels, government organisations, EU institutions and numerous experts. Observatories are based on cooperation of research institutions and universities in EU member and candidate countries including Norway. The activity of observatories and topics, which change in the course of the year, are coordinated according to decisions by a consulting committee on which representatives of employers, trade unions and governments of EU member states and members of the European Commission sit.
EIRO focuses on gathering information regarding collective bargaining and representativeness of social partners. For this purpose, EIRA works out studies describing selected sectors of the national economy.
EWCO concentrates on monitoring of working conditions in the broadest sense of the word, primarily on impacts of work on employees’ health, on career and professional development, on balancing family life and work.
ERM specialises in monitoring of labour market changes as a consequence of restructuring of the economy. This activity consists in continuous monitoring of information in the Czech daily press and other available information media with the aim to collect and evaluate information on labour market changes (creation of new jobs, reduction, transfer or cancellation of existing jobs) particularly in the Czech Republic.
KROUPA, Aleš, Renata KYZLINKOVÁ, Štěpánka LEHMANN, Jana VÁŇOVÁ & Soňa VEVERKOVÁ, 2024. Industrial relations and social dialogue. Czechia: Developments in working life 2023. Eurofound .
CABRITA, Jorge & Franz EIFFE, 2023. Hybrid work in Europe: concept and practice. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
DUBOIS, Hans & Sanna NIVAKOSKI, 2023. Unaffordable and inadequate housing in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
DEMETRIADES, Stavroula & Dragoș ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, 2023. Supporting regions in the just transition. Role of social partners. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine, Carlos VACAS-SORIANO,Viginta IVAŠKAITĖ-TAMOŠIŪNĖ & Jakub KOSTOLNÝ, 2023. Minimum wages in 2023. Annual review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
WELZ, Christian & Maria CANTERO, 2023. Regulating minimum wages and other forms of pay for self-employed. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
VARGAS LLAVE, Oscar, Carlos VACAS SORIANO, John HURLEY, Elisa STAFFA & Eleonora PERUFFO, 2022. The rise in telework. Impact on working conditions and regulations. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
VARGAS LLAVE, Oscar, Ricardo RODRÍGUEZ CONTRERAS, Pablo SANZ De MIGUEL & Echard VOSS, 2022. Telework in the EU. Regulatory frameworks and recent updates. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
ADAM, Georg & Bernadette ALLINGER, 2022. Social dialogue and collective bargaining in the civil aviation sector during COVID-19. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
DUBOIS, Hans, Sanna NIVAKOSKI, Klára FÓTI, Valentina PATRINI & Massimiliano MASCHERINI, 2022. COVID-19 and older people. Impact on their lives, support and care. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
PAVLOVAITE, Inga, Pablo SANZ, Peter KERCKHOFS & Victoria COJOCARIU, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Local and regional government sector and social services – updated version January 2022. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine, Jakub KOSTOLNÝ & Carlos VACAS SORIANO, 2022. Minimum wages in 2022 – annual review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
CANTERO, Maria & Christian WELZ, 2022. Regulating minimum wages and other forms of pay for the self-employed. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
RISO, Sara, Gragos ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, Laura LÓPEZ FORÉS, Lucie LECHARDOY & Cristiano CODAGNONE, 2022. Ethics in the digital workplace. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
CABRITA, Jorge, Cerf CERF & David FODEN, 2022. Overtime in Europe. Regulation and practice. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
RODRÍGUEZ CONTRERAS, Rodríguez & Pablo SANZ, 2022. Involvement of social partners in the national recovery and resilience plans. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
PEDERSINI, Roberto & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Gas sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
ARASANZ, Juan & Pablo SANZ De MIGUEL, 2022. Social dialogue and collective bargaining in the hospital sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
COJOCARIU, V., KERCKHOFS, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Electricity sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
STOICIU, Victoria & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Textile and clothing sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KADARIK, Ingel & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Food and drink sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
SANZ, Pablo & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Human health sector – updated version January 2022. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KERCKHOFS, Peter & Georg ADAM, 2022. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Civil aviation sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
SÁNDOR, Eszter, Velantina PATRINI, Massimiliano MASCHERINI, Arnstein AASSVE & Letizia MENCARINI, 2021. Impact of COVID-19 on young people in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
WEBER, Tina, John HURLEY & Dragoș ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, 2021. COVID-19: implications for employment and working life. COVID-19 series. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
PAVLOVAITE, Inga & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2021. Industrial relations landscape in Europe. Central government administration, education, human health, local and regional government, and social services sectors. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine & Carlos VACAS SORIANO, 2021. Minimum wages in 2021 – annual review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
DEMETRIADES, Stavroula, Jorge CABRITA & Klára FÓTI, 2021. Distributional impacts of climate policies in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
WEBER, Tina & Jorge CABRITA, 2021. Working time in 2019–2020. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
DEMETRIADES, Stavroula, Cerf CERF & Isabella BILETTA, 2021. Social partners going digital. Using digital tools and adapting social dialogue processes. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
RODRÍGUEZ CONTRERAS, Ricardo & Pablo SANZ, 2021. Involvement of social partners in policymaking during the COVID-19 outbreak. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, Drogoș & Tina WEBER, 2021. Tackling labour shortages in EU Member States. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KERCKHOFS, Peter, Nóra KROKOVAY & Anna-Karin GUSTAFSSON, 2021. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Live performance sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
GUSTAFSSON, Anna-Karin & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2021. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Audiovisual sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
MANDL, Irene, 2020. New forms of employment – 2020 update. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
WEBER, Tina, 2020. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Education sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
GUSTAFSSON, Anna-Karin & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2020. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Paper sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
HURLEY, John, Eleonora PERUFFO, Tina WEBER, Eva DIMITROVA, Ioannis TZORTZAKIS & Matteo AVOGARO, 2020. ERM report 2020. Restructuring across borders. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
SANZ, Pablo & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2020. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Human health sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine & Matthias RASCHE, 2020. Minimum wages in 2020 – annual review, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
SURDYKOWSKA, Barbara, Christine AUMAYR-PINTAR & Cerf CERF, 2019. Annual review of working life 2018. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine, 2019. Parental and paternity leave. Uptake by fathers. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
CERF, Cerf & Jorge CABRITA, 2019. Rest breaks from work. Overview of regulations, research and practice. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
CABRITA, Jorge, 2019. Working time in 2017–2018. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
CERF, Cerf, Christine AUMAYR-PINTAR & Barbara BECHTER, 2019. Seniority-based entitlements. Extent, policy debates and research. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
TURLAN, Frédéric & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2019. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Industrial cleaning sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine, Matthias RASCHE & Carlos VACAS, 2019. Minimum wages in 2019 – annual review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
ADAM, George & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2019. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Insurance sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KERCKHOFS, Peter & George ADAM, 2019. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Banking sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KERCKHOFS, Peter & Anna-Karin GUSTAFSSON, 2019. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Private security sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
ADAM, George, Josee LAMERS & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2019. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. ICT and telecoms sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
PARENT-THIRION, Agnès, Cerf CERF & Christine AUMAYR-PINTAR, 2018. Burnout in the workplace. A review of data and policy responses in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
GAUGHA, Sinead, Christine AUMAYR-PINTAR Yolanda TORRES-REVENGA & Catherine CERF, 2018. Annual review of working life 2017. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
BILETTA, Isabella & Catherine CERF, 2018. Work on demand. Recurrences, effects and challenges. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
LANTTO, Eero, Marcel MURAILLE, John HURLEY & Carlos VACAS-SORIANO, 2018. Concept and practice of a living wage. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
FRIC, Karel, 2018. Statutory minimum wages 2018. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KERCKHOFS, Peter & Martin CLARKE, 2018. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Metal sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
WEBER, Tina & Peter KERCKHOFS, 2018. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Commerce sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
KERCKHOFS, Peter, Martin CLARKE & Paul VROONHOF, 2018. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Inland water transport sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
VROONHOF, Paul, Peter KERCKHOFS & Martin CLARKE, 2018. Representativeness of the European social partner organisations. Steel sector. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
FRIC, Karel & Christine AUMAYR-PINTAR, 2018. Developments in collectively agreed pay 2000–2017. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
MANDL, Irene, Oscar VARGAS, Sara RISO, Maurizio CURTARELLI & Elias GEROGIANNIS, 2017. New forms of employment. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
VERMEYLEN, Greet, Jorge CABRITA, Dominique ANXO & Jean-Yves BOULIN, 2017. Working time patterns for sustainable work. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
CABRITA, Jorge, 2017. Developments in working time: 2015–2016. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
TORRES-REVENGA, Yolanda, Catherine CERF, Iñigo ISUSI, Raluca DIMITRIU, Karel FRIC & Märt MASSO, 2016. Developments in working life in Europe. EurWORK annual review 2015. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
NAPIERALA, Joanna, Irene MANDL, John HURLEY & Stefanie LEDERMAIER, 2016. ERM annual report 2015. Job creation in SMEs. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
BREMERMANN, Mitchell, Anna PARASKEVOPOULOU, Simon BOEHMER, Nick CLARK & Christine AUMAYR-PINTAR, 2015. Developments in working life in Europe: annual review 2014. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
RISO, Sara, Oscar VARGAS, Irene MANDL, Elias GEROGIANNIS & Maurizio CURTARELLI, 2015. New forms of employment. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
AUMAYR-PINTAR, Christine, Jorge CABRITA, Maurizio CURTARELLI, Karel FRIC & Andrea FROMM, 2015. Industrial relations and working conditions developments in Europe 2013. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
BIANCHINI, Danilo, Katerina MANTOUVALOU & Tina WEBER, 2014. Social partners and gender equality in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
ANDERSEN, Tine, Johan E. O. SECHER & Sara RISO, 2014. Labour mobility in the EU. Recent trends and policies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
FERNÁNDEZ‑MACÍAS, Enrique, Jorge CABRITA, Christine AUMAYR‑PINTAR & Carlos VACAS-SORIANO, 2014. Pay in Europe in the 21st century. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
VACAS, Carlos, Isabella BILETTA & Andrea BROUGHTON, 2012. Flexicurity. Actions at company level. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2011. Strengthening the fundamental rights architecture in the EU. IV, The impact of the racial equality directive. Views of trade unions and employers in the European Union. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2010. Strengthening the fundamental rights architecture in the EU. III, The impact of the racial equality directive. Views of trade unions and employers in the European Union. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union .