Complete Methodology of the Census of Persons in Housing need in the Czech Republic

RILSA Principal investigator:
Mgr. Petr Holpuch
Grant provider:
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA)
Project start:
Project end:

The aim of the current project “Complete methodology of the census of persons in housing need in the Czech Republic” is to create a comprehensive methodological concept that would merge, revise and codify the procedures used in the 2019 and 2022 census projects of persons in housing need presented below, or supplement them with additional methods, that can be used for the census of subcategories of persons from the target population.

In 2019, the Research institut of labour and social affairs (RILSA) conducted a census of selected groups of homeless persons, namely persons without a roof (sleeping outside and in dormitories) and partially homeless persons (users of shelters, halfway houses, municipal hostels; homeless persons before leaving prisons and health facilities). Following this census, a methodology for data collection of these enumerated groups of persons was also developed. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs subsequently expressed interest in counting other groups of persons in housing need, who were not included in the 2019 census. For this purpose, it launched a public tender, which was awarded and subsequently implemented in 2022 by SocioFactor Ltd. The methodological recommendations for this census were developed by the RILSA, but the final design of the census procedure remained the responsibility of the implementer of this contract. The developed methodology will serve as a basis for regular data monitoring of the number and characteristics of socially needy persons in housing need. On the basis of its results, further legislative measures will be introduced, adjustments to the benefit system will be implemented, social services will be supported or social housing solutions will be designed.


HOLPUCH, Petr, 2023. Methodology of census of homeless persons in the Czech Republic – actualization. Praha: RILSA. (only in CZE)