International comparison of the scope and structure of care allowance recipients and the conditions for the granting of the allowance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria

RILSA Principal investigator:
Ing. Filip Hon, Ph.D.
RILSA Co-investigator:
Mgr. Pavel Bareš, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Ladislav Průša, CSc.
Grant provider:
Association of Providers of Social Services of the Czech Republic (APSS CR)
Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA)
Project start:
Project end:

Following the adoption of Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, the number of recipients of the care allowance in the Czech Republic is exceeding expectations, the reasons for which have not yet been analysed. Hence, the aim of the project will be to propose changes in the structure of the care allowance in the Czech Republic on the basis of an international comparison of the scope and structure of care allowance recipients and the conditions for the granting of the allowance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria. The approach will be based on the analysis of the shares of care allowance recipients in individual demographic groups of the population with respect to various degrees of dependence. The international differences identified will be considered in the context of the differing conditions and approaches to the conducting of the assessment procedure that precedes the granting of the allowance in the various countries monitored.


HON, Filip, Ladislav PRŮŠA & Pavel BAREŠ, 2020. International comparison of the scope and structure of care allowance recipients and conditions for granting care allowance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i.

HON, Filip, Ladislav PRŮŠA & Pavel BAREŠ, 2020. International comparison of the scope and structure of the recipients of the care allowance and the conditions for its recognition in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria. In. Sborník příspěvků RELIK 2020. Reprodukce lidského kapitálu – vzájemné vazby a souvislosti. Praha: Oeconomica, 140–152.