Ing. Vlastimil Beran, Ph.D.
Vlastimil Beran graduated in economic policy and administration, majoring in the national economy at the Faculty of Economics of the VSB (Technical University of Ostrava), where he also completed his doctoral studies in economics. In 2008, he studied at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool. His professional interests lie particularly in income and wage policy, specialising specifically in issues related to taxes, wages, household income and social benefits. He has been a lecturer at the Department of Economics and Law – ŠKODA AUTO University since 2017. As a member of the Department of Economics and Economic Policy of the PRIGO University, he is involved in the teaching of subjects included in the Social Policy A, B and employment policy courses. He works regularly with the Czech Statistical Office. He is also a member of the working group on labour, capital and multi-factor productivity indicators in the Czech Republic and a member of the Advisory Commission on Consumer Price Statistics.
- BÍLKOVÁ, Diana, Vlastimil BERAN & Filip ČERVENKA, 2023. Distribuce platů a procentní podíly nízkopříjmových zaměstnanců ve veřejném sektoru se zaměřením na první rok pandemie covid-19. Politická ekonomie, 71(5), 555–590.
- BÍLKOVÁ, Diana, Vlastimil BERAN & Filip ČERVENKA, 2021. Situace na pracovním trhu v České republice se zřetelem na zaměstnance pobírající hrubou měsíční mzdu na úrovni minimální mzdy. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i.
- BERAN, Vlastimil, 2020. Demotivative Effect of Social on the Labor Supply of Low-Skilled Workers. In. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY. Ostrava: Vysoká škola PRIGO, 1–13.
- BERAN, Vlastimil & Jana GODAROVÁ, 2019. Náplň a konstrukce životního a existenčního minima 2018. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i.
- BERAN, Vlastimil & Jiří FRANEK, 2016. A Comparison of the Social Benefits Systems in the Czech Republic on Model Households during Right-Wing (2011) and Left-Wing (2015) Gorvernments rule. In. Proceedings of 14th International Scientific Conference Economic Policy in the European Union Member Countries. Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, 54–63.